Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Spherical Tyres

A thought provoking idea - what if we use spherical tyres instead of the cylindrical tube tyres. Cars could then move easily in all directions. The groove pattern could be similar to the longitudes of the earth . The normal shaft present in today's cars would be accompanied by another rubber like band around the front two wheels and another one around the rear wheels to allow frontal and sideways movement of the tyres. Think about it ... and let me know...


Anonymous said...

this is bullshit. not to be rude. i mean. u made up some maths things that mean nothing too. but that means you might be slightly into that kind of thing. anyway. think about it. ok. spherical tyres/wheels = multi directional travel for the vehicle? so. 1. cars will end up going sideways down the road. have you noticed that that means you would need to go and widen every highway and byway in the world?
2. unless seating is modified dramaticaly. many people will suffer from motion sickness and the like while the said vehicle is not in standard forward motion.

also. i doubt that physics would quite support the idea, mostly when it comes to turning corners and the like.

finaly. propulsion/locomotion/ whatever. how do you get it moving. a drive shaft to an axle is not going to work very well considering the wheels would need to spin in all directions. i say take this one back to the drawing board...

gauravragtah said...

no. shafts are attached diametrically to the spehere and the shafts can twin rotate too thus changing the axis of motion of the sphere. and no ppl would still drive forwards mostly as our neck is not used to experienceing force laterally it is stronger on the back and front so driving sideways for long would cause pain in the necks.

Unknown said...

this is a brilliant idea and i am the executive manager of tata.and i will reccomend the authorities for your super idea

Anonymous said...

chevrolet motors

Farooq said...

This regarding "the use of spherical tyres" idea of yours, the idea is great but how do we apply brakes if the tyres were to to be curved on all sides.

gauravragtah said...

By applying a torque in the opposite sense as the rotation of the wheel.
Refer: for the functioning of the normal braking system

prabhjot said...

hi i am satisfied with u first u need to help me . see FLUBER movie how can u make that mechanical machine (brain) fly and all other project is ready........... now for u make use mechanical shaft which is converteble in all directions it should be made of thousands of 1 to 3 cm(not to exced 3) volume cubes . it very difficult task to assemble them but possible .also send me more introductary on your project with images. i have idea to do this . i can assemble them first u need to help me . call me at 9694869579 . do not call from 2pm to 9pm i am work WAITING FOR SOON REPLY

prabhjot said...

hi u did not respond

gauravragtah said...

Sorry I hadn't been on my blog for a while. How's it going?
